The Dashboard

The Dashboard is the pane where you configure new translation projects or open existing ones. You can find the Dashboard in the Tabbed pane which is the name of the lower part of CafeTran's interface.

Directly after starting CafeTran or after selecting the Project menu and then Dashboard (Ctrl+N/Cmd+N) the Dashboard will be displayed. At the start of a project you can assign and configure the resources that you want to use during your work: Translation Memories, TMX Termbases, Glossaries, Resources, Web Resources, images (like scans of documents) etc.

As soon as a project is started, the Dashboard will be closed and the Tabbed pane, with all its configured resources, will be visible.

Here is an image of the Dashboard:


Elements of the Dashboard

The Translation Memories group


1 Checkbox to let CafeTran create a Project memory or to select any other previously used Translation Memory.

2 Select/Deselect all listed Translation Memories.

3 Set the options for all Translation Memories that are checked in this group.

4 Create a new Translation Memory (which will be a TMX file).

5 Open an already existing TMX file (which will be listed as a Translation Memory in this group).

The TMX Termbases & Glossaries group


1 Checkbox to let CafeTran create a Project Glossary or to select any other previously used TMX Termbase or Glossary.

2 Select/Deselect all listed TMX Termbases and Glossaries.

3 Set the options for all TMX Termbases and Glossaries that are checked in this group.

4 Create a new TMX Termbase (which will be a TMX file).

5 Open an already existing TMX file (which will be listed as a TMX Termbase in this group).

6 Create a new Glossary.

The Resources group


1 Select/Deselect all listed resources in this group.

2 Add a new resource.

The Project group


1 Select one of six modes that CafeTran offers:

  1. Translate a document or document folder
  2. Translate through clipboard
  3. Edit XLIFF, TTX, SDLXLIFF, TXML files. Note that MQXLIFF files are supported too. You can also use button number 6 to directly open these files. Dragging and Dropping of (folders with several) third-party XLIFF files will work too.
  4. Translate a paper document
  5. Align two documents
  6. Edit TMX memory

2 Start a New Project in the selected mode.

3 Drag and Drop any file or folder with files in a supported file format on this area to open the Project Configuration dialogue box for this file/these files. In most cases you can just click the OK button in this dialogue box to start translating right away. Note that you can select the source and target language for a new project by selecting/configuring a Translation Memory that is listed in the Translation Memories group first.

4 Select a previously opened translation project.

5 Open the selected translation project.

6 Open any third-party XLIFF file or folder with third-party XLIFF files and start translating right away.

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