Omitting the TOC from Word documents

If you don't want to translate the table of contents of a Word document, you will have to prepare your Word document before you import it in CafeTran.

This is how a Word document with an automatically generated table of contents looks in CafeTran:


Tables of contents like this are generated from styles (e.g. Heading 1, Heading 2, …) or FIELDS. You can recognise them by clicking in them: if the TOC becomes grey, it has been generated automatically and you can use the procedure described in this article.

Omitting the table of contents

  • Open the document in Word.
  • Hover over the table of contents.
  • Open the context menu.
  • Toggle the field codes:

This is how the TOC looks now:

  • Select the field code.
  • Make the field code Hidden:
  • Save the Word document.
  • Create a new CafeTran translation project.
  • Import the Word document with the collapsed TOC.

This is how the Word document without the TOC looks in CafeTran:


PLEASE NOTE: Don't forget to unhide and update the TOC before you send your translation to your client!

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