Importing glossaries in memoQ

Because CafeTran's glossaries have a very universal and straight-forward file format, you can easily import them in a memoQ termbase. This can be handy if you want to use memoQ to finalise or review a MQXLIFF project that you have translated in CafeTran.

  • Start the New memoQ project wizard.
  • Create a new termbase in memoQ.
  • Adapt the settings for New term defaults to your needs:
  • On the Term bases page of the New memoQ project wizard, choose Import terminology:
  • Verify that your CafeTran glossary is saved in UTF-8 format, with Windows linefeeds.
  • Select the glossary for import.
  • In the Term base CSV import settings dialogue box, adjust the settings to your needs.
  • Set the semicolon (;) as a separator for alternatives:
  • Optionally, open the termbase to verify the result of the import process.
  • Attach the termbase to your new project.
  • Open the project in grid view.
  • Note that the terms that you have imported from your CafeTran glossary are visible in the upper right corner:
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