Performing Conversions

Given the XLIFF project format and TMX memory format, CafeTran's conversion is a process which takes place in the Segmentation workflow. So by translation of a document you end up in a valid XLIFF and/or TMX file.

Automatic document conversion

  1. Start a new project.
  2. Open a document.
  3. Press the "Start translation button" in the target window toolbar.
  4. Click Translation | Automate in the menu.
  5. Save the project.

The document will be segmented into the XLIFF project file and ready to translate in the Review workflow.

Conversion of TMX memories

A memory can be easily converted into the project for translation or edition purposes.

  1. Start a new project.
  2. Open a memory to be converted.
  3. Click Memory | Conversions | Export to project.
  4. Edit or translate the imported segments in the Review workflow.

After completion you may send the segments back to the memory through the Memory | Conversions | Import from project menu.

  • Save the project and the memory.

Glossary conversion

To convert a glossary into the memory:

  1. Open a glossary from the Library.
  2. Open or create a new memory.
  3. Select the memory tab.
  4. In the menu choose Memory | Conversions | Import glossary.
  5. Save the memory.
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