Auto-assembling panel
This option activates or deactivates the notification panel that displays auto-assembly result and best fuzzy matches from TMs.
High priority for glossary
Tick this checkbox to give matches from the glossary priority over identical matches for a word in the source segment coming from the TM.
Automatic insertion of matches
When the option is on, CafeTran inserts the Auto-assembly result straight into the target language box.
Insert target only
Check this box if you wish to omit untranslated fragments during Auto-assembly insertion into the target language box.
Transfer numbers to matches
The activation of this option makes the program insert numbers present in the source segment into the target language matches. It replaces the numbers in imperfect matches.
Format numbers
Tick the box if numbers in the translation need to be formatted in accordance with your target language rules.

This feature can be useful at converting prices e.g.

1,234.56 US


1.234,56 DE

Automatic case adjustment
Setting the option on forces CafeTran to adjust the case of the found target matches to the source language words being searched.
Beginning of sentence only
With this option on, the Automatic case adjustment is performed only at the start of the target language sentence.
Match case
Check this box if you wish to turn on case sensitive matching in Translation Memories and Glossaries.
Replace punctuation characters
During Auto-assembling, CafeTran is able to replace punctuation characters to adapt them to the target language rules. Type the source language punctuation characters in the left fields. They may be separated by the pipe | character if there are more than one character to be replaced by the given target language equivalent. Type the corresponding target language punctuation characters in the right fields. The function is activated by ticking the box. You can use this function to let CafeTran handle automatic quote conversion (e.g. French quotes to German quotes, straight (dumb) quotes to curly (smart) quotes etc. – have a look at the image above for an example).
RESET button
Pressing this button resets all CafeTran settings to default values. You need to restart the program to take effect.
OK button
Press this button to accept changes in CafeTran options and close the Options window.
CANCEL button
Press this button to discard any changes and close the Options window.

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