Memory Filter

NOTE: Always work on a copy of your TM when you are using filters.

  • Make the necessary settings, depending on your needs:

Properties filter group

  • Insert a name and/or value in the corresponding field to load only the translation units that have a particular property's name and value.

Segments filter group

The settings in this group can be used to make your TMX file smaller and to clean it up (e.g. by removing untranslated TUs.

  • Check the Filter languages box to remove all languages from the TM except for the source and target language in your translation project.
  • Check the Remove empty segments box to get rid of all empty segments.
  • Check the Clean and replace foreign codes box to adjust all ??
  • Check the Remove source=target box to remove all TUs that haven't been translated.
  • Check the Remove internal tags box to delete all inline tags that have been inserted by third party CAT tools.
  • In the Segment note field insert a segment note to load only the translation units that have a particular note.
  • In the Regular expression field insert a segment note to load only the translation units that match with a particular regular expression.

When you open a TMX, and click on ‘Filter’, what exactly do these do:

(1) ‘Clean and replace foreign codes’

Some TMX files from third party tools have unusual codes in the segments such as codes inside the curly brackets or emdash, endash, tab code. CafeTran clears or replaces them with equivalent unicode characters.

(2) ‘Remove internal tags’

It just removes tags inside source and target segments.

Reminder: Please note that you should always work on a copy of your TM when filtering.

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