TMX Memory

Translator ID field

  • Insert or adjust your Translator ID.

Encoding field

  • Make any necessary changes to the encoding type of the TMX file – this is only necessary when ??

Memory type group

  • Leave the Memory for Segments box checked.
  • Consider to check the Memory for Terms box when you want to use the TM for ??auto-assembling.
  • Leave the Processing tags box checked to let CafeTran store positions of inline tags in the TM.
  • Check the Terms consistency check box if you want to check the consistency of target terms used in your translation.
  • Check the Read only box if you load a large TMX file and/or don't want to make any changes to the TM.

Language pair group

  • Select your Source language.
  • Select your Target language.

Options group

  • Select the Priority for your TM: High, Medium or Low.
  • Choose the Workflow integration mode: Automatic, Pretranslation or Manual.
  • Choose the Matching type: Fuzzy and subsegment, Fuzzy, Detailed matching, Prefix matching or Custom prefixes.
  • Select the Minimal prefix length: Set the minimal allowed length of prefixes.
  • Check the Prefix matching (%) box when ??
  • Leave the Match case box checked if you want CafeTran to differentiate between identical TUs that only differ in case (uppercase / lowercase). Note: The same can be done for Glossaries, at Edit > Options > Memory > Auto-assembling > Match case
  • Select Keep newer duplicates when you want CafeTran to overwrite old TUs in the TU when you add a new translation for them.
  • Select Keep older duplicates when you want to ignore new identical source segments which are already present in the memory.
  • Select Keep all duplicates when you want to keep both newer and older identical source segments in the memory.
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