Translating only the new segments in Transit projects

Excluding segments that already have been translated in Transit

You need Transit for this

In Transit:

  • Filter on segments that have the status Translated:
  • Run a Find and Replace operation to insert the string Translated segment at the beginning of every translated segment:
  • Save the language pairs.
  • Copy the target language files to a new folder.
  • Create a Transit project in CafeTran.
  • In the Find and Replace dialogue box insert Translated segment as find text.
  • Tick the Funnel icon to activate filtering mode.
  • Click the Find button.
  • Choose Task > Set Checked status for target segments.
  • Choose Task > Transfer source segments to target segments.
  • Deactivate filtering mode.
  • In the Find and Replace dialogue box replace Translated segment with an empty string.

PLEASE NOTE: This work-around does not work for segments that start with a tag :(.

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