
In the field of translation studies a bitext is a merged document composed of both source- and target-language versions of a given text. Source: Wikipedia

A very well-known tool to create bitexts is AlignFactory.

CafeTran can process bitexts in XML format. Normally you will create bitexts for concordancing. Alignment can be a little quick and dirty (as long as corresponding source and target chunks are in matching paragraphs). With your skills as a translator you can easily spot matching source and target terms in aligned paragraphs.

TIP: To avoid misalignments, it is advised to align paragraph-wise:


Importing a bitext into CafeTran

  • From the Memory menu choose Import Bitext memory:
  • Untick Termbase and tick Read-only:

If you only want to use the TM for concordancing, you could set the Workflow integration to Manual to save resources.

A new TM is created, containing the aligned paragraphs from the bitext:


Importing multiple bitexts

If you choose a folder with bitexts files instead of one file, CafeTran will import all the files in the folder, just like regular TMX memories.

Example source text
Example target text
Example bitext

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