
This menu has been removed, since CafeTran will remember the position that you have chosen for your glossary (?all resources), between sessions.

In this dialog you can configure CafeTran to load specified resources at specified screen positions. For instance: if you want your glossaries to be opened at a specific screen position every time they are loaded, you can specify that here. You can either select the predefined resources or type the name of a resource to be docked automatically at loading.

Auto-dock at segment window
Tick the check box and select the predefined resource or type the name of the resource (e.g. a glossary) that you want to have it placed at the right-hand side of the source and target segment boxes, every time the resource is opened.
Auto-dock at project window
Tick the check box and select the predefined resource or type the name of the resource (e.g. a glossary) that you want to have it placed at the right-hand side of ??grid, every time the resource is opened.
Auto-dock at tabbed window
Tick the check box and select the predefined resource or type the name of the resource (e.g. a glossary) that you want to have it placed at the right-hand side of the tabbed pane, every time the resource is opened.
RESET button
Pressing this button resets all CafeTran settings to default values. You need to restart the program to take effect.
OK button
Press this button to accept changes in CafeTran options and close the Options window.
CANCEL button
Press this button to discard any changes and close the Options window.

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